Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Inclusion in own area of responsibility Essay

1.1 – Explain models of practice that underpin equality, diversity and inclusion in own area of responsibility It is important to understand the positive values of equality and diversity in my role as all service users are vulnerable whether physically or mentally. Caring for others and engaging with them engaging in decisions in relation to their life, health and wellbeing exercises a certain amount of power over the vulnerable adult. This has the potential to be misused or abused. Staff members understanding of equality and diversity greatly influences their behaviour in their role. The staff members approach to both equality and diversity will have a direct impact on both increasing equality and removing discrimination or help reinforce inequality and discrimination. It is often argued that discrimination is often carried out unknowingly or due to ignorance, insensitivity or common held beliefs that are not challenged. No matter how justified, there is no place for discrimi nation in a care setting. It is the responsibility of the manager to promote ant-discrimination and raise staff awareness about equality, diversity ad inclusion. see more:barriers to equality and inclusion Equality means to treat others with respect and as individuals. It is important not to confuse the meaning if equality as it does not mean to treat everyone the same. Every person is unique and is individual so in order to promote equality it is important to treat everyone fairly. Each person has their own needs, wishes and preferences so it is imperative that these are respected. A popular model of promoting equality is through the equal opportunities approach. It is helpful to have a good understanding of equality on order to understand that all individuals should have the same opportunities to achieve a good outcome. The equal opportunities approach is based on the idea that the starting point for all individuals should all be the same. This means that barriers to these opportunities, were possible, are removed and positive interventions are implemented. An equal opportunities approach also means that all individuals are treated the same regardless of age, race, colour, sex, religion, disability and sexuality. For example, it would be discriminatory to produce a job advert for a female receptionist as gender of the applicant is irrelevant. If the person is suited to the job role and has the necessary qualifications, gender in the role is irrelevant. If a  person whether male or female is qualified and capable of doing the job role then whether they are male or female does not make any difference. This approach encourages in individuals to reflect on potential and actual barriers to opportunities and propose and implement ways of overcoming these. The equal opportunities approach proves very successful in improving equality and inclusion. There are several anti-discriminatory legislations in place: Sex Discrimination Act 1975 Equal Pay Act 1970 Race Relations Act 1976 Disability Discrimination Act 1995 Equality Act 2006 Some critics believe the equal opportunities approach suggest that social structures and behaviours are so deeply discriminatory that, even when opportunities are equalised, some individuals will still be unable to overcome barriers and realise their full potential. Equality involves fairness and diversity involves valuing difference. Walker identified that the difference and diversity model is based on four key principles: Individuals function best when they feel valued People feel more valued when they believe their individual and group differences are valued The ability to learn from those who are different is the key to becoming empowered When individuals are valued and respected they can work independently and as part of a team to build relationships There are two models that link with equality, diversity and inclusion, the first one is the social model of disability which views discrimination and prejudice as being embedded in today’s society, their attitude’s and their surrounding environment. The social model focuses on who the adult is as person not what their disability or diagnosis is, the focus is on how to improve and empower the individual’s life and lead a more independent life as possible. The second model is the medical model of disability which views adults has having an impairment or lacking in some way, this model focuses on impairments that the adult has and finding and acknowledging ways to correct them. The client group at my current place of work are adults with  mild learning disability and some of the residents have a dual diagnosis of mental health issues as well. Both the social and medical model has an impact on their daily life. The home’s ethos is to empower the residents and in able them to lead a normal life as possible. This is done by providing and engaging them in their own individualised care plans and asking their opinions on what they like how they like it etc. allowing them to make informed choices for them self and whether they have the capacity to make these decisions. 1.2 – Analyse the potential effects of barriers to equality and inclusion in own area of responsibility Inclusion, equality of opportunity and anti-discrimination are central principles in social care. All activity needs to be planned on the basis that some people may need additional support to overcome the barriers they face. Barriers are those things that prevent or make access to a service more difficult for certain groups and individuals. The barriers faced in your own workplace will be related to your own working environment and on the area of care you work in. These barriers could include one or more of the following:  · age  · gender or gender identity  · disability – physical or sensory impairment  · faith  · ethnic origin  · sexual orientation  · communication, literacy and language It is important that an organisation culture is developed which reflects and reinforces a commitment to valuing diversity. It is the responsibility of the manager to ensure that all team members are aware what the values of the organisation are and understands that they are all expected to adopt these values. Clear expectations should be made available through training when onboarding all new team member so they are aware of what is expected of them prior to beginning their new role. It is important to raise awareness of equality and diversity. Managers should be perceived to set an example and enact the organisations values. Barriers: Our own personal beliefs and values are often deeply ingrained from our own personal upbringing and culture. It is only when these values and beliefs and values are challenged by new experiences that demonstrate that those beliefs may be flawed, that many people’s values are reflected on and, where appropriate changed. Evaluating beliefs and values are a good way to break down prejudice. Prejudice is often not an individual belief but is a more wide spread issue makes this a difficult problem to eliminate. In an organisation individuals should be made aware from the beginning that prejudice will not be tolerated and that team members are encouraged, supported and protected to speak out against it. Managers who are able to create a culture of discussion, tolerance and an open minded community are often proven as the most successful leaders. Prejudice can lead to unacceptable behaviour such as bullying, harassment and abuse of power which can infringe on the rights of others. If this occurs in the workplace disciplinary action should be undertaken in order to comply with organisational values and beliefs. There are also structural barriers to equality and inclusion. For example, a workplace without accessible toilets for those in wheelchairs is discriminatory and against the law. Barriers of any kind can make an individual feel disrespected and not valued. All individuals have a right to be treated fairly regardless of their age, race, sex, culture, beliefs, religion or disability. For example, if a vacancy for a promotion became available and the manager wanted an English person to fill the position. This would be discrimination on the basis of an individual’s race. By being English does not necessarily mean they will be better at the role. It is important to give all individuals a fair chance at the position and clearly nominate the best person for the role by judging them on their qualifications and suitability for the role and not because of their race, culture, age, sex or disability. 1.3 – Analyse the impact of legislation and policy initiatives on the promotion of equality, diversity and inclusion in own area of responsibility Equality is a state of being equal in terms of value, quantity or quality. It is about uniformity. It is also about ensuring that people are treated fairly and given fair chances. Equality is not about treating everyone in exactly the same way, it is about recognising and valuing individual needs  and seeking to meet them in different ways. Diversity means differences, varieties, and unlikeness. It is understanding and coping with peoples’ differences so that they can be effective using them to one’s advantage. Inclusion is seen as a universal human right. The aim of inclusion is to embrace all people irrespective of race, gender, disability, medical or other need. It is about giving equal access and opportunities and getting rid of discrimination and intolerance (removal of barriers). It affects all aspects of public life.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Bridgford Foods Essay

Bridgford Foods is known as a small, publicly traded company of the food industry. Clients of Bridgford Foods have a relatively high inherent risk. The operation of the said industry is subject to various risks, such as adverse changes in the general economic conditions, the evolution of consumer preferences, nutritional and health-related concerns, the inspections done, including the processing controls involved in the federal, state, and local products. The liability claims of consumer products and the risks associated with product tampering were also taken into careful consideration. Furthermore, several recalls made were associated with the recent outbreaks of illnesses among the meat and poultry products. Such greatly affected the operating results and the financial position of the company. In addition to this, industry characteristics were related to the factors that affected the assessment of materials of Bridgford Foods Corporation. Since the industry was very competitive, price cutting would have its related effects on the revenue. Unfortunately, Bridgford Foods was not part of the leading industries in the country. In terms of performance, the products of the said company were not as competitive as those of the leaders in the industry. In addition to this, the company is not as profitable and as financially stable as those of the major companies in the industry. For the year 2007, Bridgford Food had a decrease in its total sales, as compared to the other years. In a report issued, the company stated that, â€Å"sales for the first quarter ended in January 25, 2008, and was an estimated $1,319,000. Prior to the first twelve weeks of the fiscal year, there was a decrease in the total, which was 3.1%. The industry factors result in an increased assessment of the risk material misstatement of BridgFord Foods Corporation. This led to a lower determination of detection risk and more substantive tests. Estimations and assumptions were particularly important in the assessment of risks for material misstatement of Johnson, Inc. The management made certain estimations and assumptions that affected the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements. In addition to this, reported revenues and expenses during the respective reporting periods were also given much considerations. The amounts estimated related to liabilities for workers’ compensation, employee healthcare and pension benefits are especially subjected. The inherent risk relating to the accuracy of an account balance that involves a high degree of management judgment, or that is difficult to compute, is evaluated as high. Moreover, the credit risk of the company was diversified across a broad range clients and geographic regions. Losses incurred due to credit risks have recently been immaterial, with the client maintaining the cash balances at financial institutions. At times, these clients exceed the amounts insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation of $100 million per institution. However, the clients have significant amounts receivable amounts with few of the well known clients, although historically secure, could also be subject to material risk when the operations of these clients begin to deteriorate. Regardless of such dilemma, the members of the Bridgford family can still exercise significant control over the company. This is due to the fact that the family owns approximately 77% in stocks of the company, making them own more than three fourths of the whole company. On top of this, three members of the Bridgford family were members of the Board of Directors. This gives the members of the Bridgford family the ability to exert substantial influence and power over the management and affairs of the company. This include matters requiring the action of shareholders. the amendment to by-laws, the election and removal of directors, merger proposals, consolidation or sale of all or substantially all of the assets and other corporate transactions. The Bridgford family members who own majority of the stocks dominate in the decision making of the company. This factor led to a higher risk assessment of material misstatement fore there were no reviews regarding important decisions and actions taken. However, these should be taken in the best interest of the company and its stockholders. The inherent limitations included the realities of faulty judgments and decision makings, including the breakdowns that can occur due to simple errors and mistakes. Additionally, controls can be circumvented by the individual acts of some people, by collusion of two or more people, or by management override of the control. All the above factors increased inherent risk for a particular account balance assertion, making the evaluation relatively high. In the audit planning stage, where the evaluation of inherent risk for an account balance assertion is high, auditors regard this as a significant risk requiring special audit attention. The control risk of Bridgford foods is low. The client maintains and evaluates a system of internal accounting controls, and a program of internal auditing designed to provide reasonable assurance. In so doing, the company’s assets are protected and transactions were performed in accordance with the proper authorization, and were recorded accordingly. This system of internal accounting control is continually reviewed and modified in response to evolving business conditions and operations and to recommendations made by the independent registered public accounting firm and internal auditor. The client also has an established a code of conduct. Furthermore, the audit committee is composed of independent directors who are not officers or employees of the client, and do not have other relationships that impair independence. The audit committees also employ two financial experts. They are effective in overseeing the quality of controls and the management of fraud. From those mentioned, I believe that the accounting and internal control systems provide reasonable assurance that assets are safeguarded and financial information is reliable, with the overall control risk low. In general, the design and implementation of internal control are considered effective. The increase in the risk of material misstatement due to these factors will result in a lower determination of detection risk and an increase in the scope of the auditor’s work. Pre-audit engagement risk is significantly and positively associated with the estimated level of discretionary accruals reported in audited financial statements. As higher levels of discretionary accruals have been shown to be associated with higher risk of post-audit litigation, it appears that rather than taking actions that result in higher-risk clients reporting less aggressive discretionary accruals, auditors instead are accepting a higher post-audit risk for these clients.

Gambling addiction’s effect on family Essay

Gambling is a distraction for most people, something to look forward to on a vacation or the occasional trip to the racetrack. However, there are others who can’t control their interest in gambling. Instead of doing it on an occasional basis, it becomes an everyday activity and a cruel addiction. Individuals who become addicted to gambling often get overwhelmed by the activity and allow it to become the dominant thing in their lives at the expense of themselves and their family. Addiction Addicted gamblers get into trouble when they start chasing their losses. A gambler may go to the casino or go online to gamble with a fixed amount of money. According to the American Academy of Family Physicians, the increased access to gambling throughout the United States the problem of pathlological gambling is likely to increase in the future. Sponsored Links Pedialyte ® For Children When it Comes to Rehydration, Other Household Beverages Can’t Compare. www. Pedialyte. com Function The gambler doesn’t want to lose, but when those losses occur, he doesn’t want others to know about it. He wants to hide his losses because he doesn’t want to disappoint others and he doesn’t want to face the consequences of what is happening. So when an addicted gambler is losing, he is hurting his family by losing money that cannot afford to be lost and he is hurting is family even more by lying to them. According to a report by the National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago, there are 2. 5 million pathological gamblers in the United States and another 3 million problem gamblers. Impact In many cases, the addicted gambler’s family doesn’t find out about the problem until many months or years have gone by. The gambler may manipulate the family’s money for a while to make it look like all the funds are in tact. However, after a given period, that won’t be possible because the money will be gone. The gambler’s spouse or significant other may discover the shortfall in a routine examination of the accounts or the gambler may admit the problem when the guilt becomes overwhelming. Either way, trust has been destroyed in the relationship. Treatment Preventing a gambler from gambling is difficult, but if family members know about the problem and really want to help, they can practice tough love in order to prevent the gambler from doing more damage to himself and to the family. A support group like Gamblers Anonymous can also help. GA, modeled after Alcoholics Anonymous, uses 12 steps to increase self-awareness and identify character defects that can help the individual arrest his gambling problem. However, the compulsive gambler cannot be â€Å"cured. † Identification The American Academy of Family Physicians has identified some of the behaviors associated with pathological gambling, which can help family members identify if a family member has a gambling problem. These behaviors include preoccupation with gambling; repeated failed efforts to control gambling; gambles to escape problems; lies to family members, therapists and others to conceal gambling losses and relies on others to provide money to relieve desperate financial situations.

Monday, July 29, 2019

What is the EU a trading area or an enlarged European State Should Dissertation

What is the EU a trading area or an enlarged European State Should Turkey allowed to join the club - Dissertation Example The so-called Kemalist ideology of Turkey is based on the philosophies developed by Kemal Ataturk, the first president of the Republic of Turkey (1923-1938). His ambition was to modernise the nation and, thereby, launch Turkey into mainstream Western culture.Ever since the foundation of modern day Turkey in 1923, this country with a predominantly Muslim population has been a secular democracy closely aligned with the West. Turkey was a founding member of the United Nations, and has been a member of NATO since 1952, the Council of Europe since 1949, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) since 1961 and an associate member of the Western European Union since 1992. Ankara chose to begin co-operating closely with the then European Economic Community (EEC) in 1959, and Turkey's prospective membership of the EEC's successor, the European Union, has been a source of much debate ever since. Turkey's relationship with the EEC was legally sanctioned in 1963 when it si gned an Association Agreement with the EU. This is the first preliminary step on the path to full membership. Since then, Turkish hopes have been put on hold, particularly following its invasion of Cyprus in 1974 and the military coup of 1980.A major turning point for Turkey's EU prospects was the decision reached at the Helsinki Summit in December 1999 to grant official candidate status to the country. In the period between 1999 and 2004, Turkey took great steps in order to meet the Copenhagen criteria, especially regarding stable institutions, the rule of law, human rights and respect for and the protection of minorities. A key step in this process was the signing of the protocol on the de facto abolition of the death penalty. The European Council decided in December 2004 to open accession negotiations with Turkey in October the following year. Nevertheless, practical negotiations on the 35 chapters of the ‘acquis communautaire’ only began in June 2006. From the very beginnings of the creation of the European Union, Turkey has shown a keen interest in the integration process in Europe and, indeed has considered becoming a member of EU to be a logical consequence of its modernisation and Westernisation policies. Consequently, it came as no surprise when Turkey applied for associate membership in 1959 and went on to sign the Ankara Agreement with the EU in 1963, an agreement which not only recognised Turkey’s eligibility to participate in European integration but explicitly envisaged Turkey’s eventual full membership of the EU. EU-Turkey relations have, however, experienced serious difficulties resulting from the essential incompatibility of both parties’ policies with the declared objectives of their Association agreement. In particular, it seems unlikely that the ultimate objectives of the Association Agreement –Turkish accession to the EU – will be achieved in the foreseeable future. On the one hand, this is b ecause the EU has always considered Turkey to be an awkward candidate for EU membership: turkey is different, problematic and thus, by implication, a more difficult case than any other applicants. The EU scepticism towards the prospect of Turkish membership can be seen in its policies, which have basically south to maintain and strengthen the existing Association Agreement. However, this has been inadequate to prepare Turkey for EU membership. In fact, the EU has developed an alternative approach towards Turkey, which can be best described as containment strategy, designed to delay indefinitely the prospect of membership while keeping Turkey within economic, security and political sphere of influence of the EU. This paper argued that the EU has treated Turkey differently compared to the other applicant countries in the present enlargement round. In this respect, before further exploring this argument, there seems to be an important question remaining: Why should the EU treat all app licants ‘fairly’ in the enlargement process? In this respect, the question might arise as to

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Non-Verbal Communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Non-Verbal Communication - Essay Example It is a fact that the nonverbal communication presents the truth in entirety and nothing else. Nonverbal communication is pertinent since it is now being studied by people more than the verbal form of communication and it has more meaning and implication than the latter. Thus it is a wholly different field altogether and one that requires strict attention, more so by the speakers and those personalities who have a definitive say within the society’s different undertakings and decisions. Nonverbal communication started to come to the notice of people when they understood that it aids in making the clarity of the verbal communication possible. Thus nonverbal communication is cohesive alongside the verbal form of communication. It gives the people something to ponder upon since the facilitation process of nonverbal communication is strong in line with the verbal communication forms. ... Nonverbal communication could be studied in entirely an opposite manner since the usual manner in which a person might exhibit his verbal form of communication ends up being starkly against what he demonstrates in his nonverbal form. What this means is that a person might experience a bit of problem at the hands of expressing his mind and his tongue would say one thing while his hands and eyes transmit a completely different message. The element of understanding how a person makes use of his nonverbal communication regimes is essential for the audience since it presents to him the amount of truth which comes to the fore as well as deceit and lie that is hidden deep beneath the very same. Also nonverbal communication was deemed as important from the studying and understanding perspective when it started to have an impact within the lives of the people in a very direct way. What this means was the fact that nonverbal communication makes a presenter look different and stand out in his o wn right within the people to whom he is presenting his message. It could also mar his confidence and make him look illogical and irrational at the same time. This happens if he is not prepared to face the battle that comes his way in the form of the communication process. The tension that one goes through whilst delivering a public speech summarizes the fears that a commoner might have on a consistent basis. Nonverbal Communication Elements and Metaphors Moving further ahead with the discussion, the different elements of nonverbal communication include the gestures, emotions, actions, body language, posture, facial expressions, eye contact and so on.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Product Life Cycle Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

Product Life Cycle Management - Essay Example Secondly, to explore how PLM could help in different stages of Computer Aided Design (CAD) design or where PLM could contribute and involve in a new product development. This paper also incorporates the case studies of PLM and how adoption of PLM has helped SMEs to secure an established position in the industry. The project analyzes important studies and then conducts a primary survey that centers on SMEs adoption of PLM. The results of the studies have confirmed the conclusion that the SMEs have grown with the acceptance of new sophisticated technologies. PLM strategy is a solution addressing many components for managing product data (Kemmerer, 1999) and provides the necessary requirements and capabilities companies need to successfully manage information and facilitate communication and collaboration across the entire product lifecycle from idea through retirement [PTC n.d. ]. In fact, PLM is the extension of PDM (Abramovici and Sieg, 2002) which appeared during 1980s. With the advent of Computer Aided Design (CAD) solutions, engineering design entered a new era. Parallel with the continued development of Computer -Aided Design and Manufacturing and Engineering (CAD/CAM/CAE) tools, Product lifecycle management (PLM) is the crucial business approach that assigns a constant set of business solutions on behalf of the cooperative establishment, management, distribution, and application of product definition orientation across the extended business from abstraction to edge of life and it is now clearly acknowledged by many firms as basic to the product innovation evolution, and a corporation's top-notch and fundamental accomplishment (Stark, 2003, 4) PLM is the method of managing a firm's products all the way across their life cycles in the most effective way. If the firms start losing control over its products, then it will lead to adverse effects. A product does not exist when it is at its development stage. That is the time when it becomes difficult to manage. This is practically the reason why there is a need to completely involve PLM in the process so as to be sure that the product would make a good introduction and growth within the industry that it is involved with. Penetrating the industry totally is not that easy, this is a truth even for those products whose brands have already been established in the market.1 Hence, to be able to assure that a particular business product or service would make it to the competition, the administrators of the company should know about how to use PLM cycle effectively for their own product or service's popularity in the market probably resulting to more improved rate of profit returns. Ho wever, it could be noticed too that as the introduction of the product is launched, the management as to how to retain its effect in the market is what should be given attention next. As soon as existence of a product is ensured, the problem of managing that product arises. With the advent of PLM, the products are able to reach the market fast and better support from the customer's side is guaranteed. It is necessary to bring a product into the market otherwise; one firm will lose the customers to other firm. The fact that competition is tough in the market, being the first one to introduce a new product is an important part of the process.2 This fact is a special

Friday, July 26, 2019

Segmentation targeting positioning (STP) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Segmentation targeting positioning (STP) - Essay Example A company should consider that it is challenging to meet the needs of every customer. Therefore, it should fashion a product that may partly cover the needs of the customers if not all. It is somehow dodgy because many customers prefer goods or services that cover their needs wholly (Kotler, 2010). This might result in poor sales of the goods or services. Targeting markets is significant because the company is able to identify the information it had missed about the product. Through this, the company is able to identify would-be customers who would buy the product. The company is able to realize areas to improve on to realize more profit. According to Nykiel (2007), a company should guarantee that its product is distributed to places that it can endure competition. This can be achieved through intense thoughtfulness of the customers’ preferences. A company should consider that customers are influenced by different factors. There are those who are focused on taste and lifestyle while others observe their religious inclination. It is therefore indispensable for a company to choose places that will favor their products in terms of customers needs (Capon, 2009). For any company to survive antagonism in the market, it should consider apposite segmentation. This will guarantee that the company target all potential customers and maximize its proceeds. Although it is not possible to gather all the needs of every purchaser, the company should surface with strategies that will gratify the needs of every customer partly, if not

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The Pros and Cons of In-House Versus Outsourced R&D Activity for Essay

The Pros and Cons of In-House Versus Outsourced R&D Activity for Technology Firms - Essay Example R & D is the basis behind the creation of new inventions in technology firms, and it is an ongoing process that does not stop as companies are always looking to better the products they have on the market so as to avoid being overtaken by the competition. When dealing with R & D, there are two ways that a company can go about matters; one is through doing these activities in-house while the other is outsourcing these activities to other companies. In-house refers to doing these R & D activities internally (that is, within the company) through company employees while outsourcing refers to contracting out the activities to another company who then sell back their progress and discoveries to the company in the form of services rendered. Though outsourcing has become quite popular among companies over the years there are still some organizations that prefer to keep all their activities in-house, and both (that is, outsourcing and in-house) have pros and cons that a company needs to look at before determining which is one would best suit their company (Krugman, 2006). In terms of outsourcing, there are a couple of Pros that should be taken into consideration, the first being the avoidance of various regulations that may prove to be burdens ome to the company and are present in the country but not in others. These can regulations can refer to issues involving the workers where having the R & D performed in-house would mean that the organization has to concede to extra costs that are demanded by the various labor unions, for example, which may prove to be costly on the overall expenditure or may working conditions that may take a while to set up thus eating into much valued time in the process (Gordon etal 2009)The process of outsourcing allows a company to circumvent all these issues as they are no longer responsible for the workers performing the R & D activities and therefore do not have to deal with such regulations. Another Pro is the cost saving implications that outsourcing provides as in most cases it is much cheaper to outsource activities to another firm than to perform these activities in-house (Koulopoulos, 2006) This can be due to a number of reasons including the tax differences between the countries where by the taxes in the countries where the outsourced companies are based are not as high as those found locally and therefore, they are able to charge less than it would cost to set up the activities here. These savings on money can be used in other sectors of the company that may need it meaning that the company does not have to struggle for means of acquiring this finances thus churning out a win-win situation for all. In terms of Cons with regard to outsourcing, the major one would be the weakened ability of the company to protect its information from its rivals as a result of outsourcing these activities to a foreign based firm. Ensuring that any essential discoveries made remains strictly within the company’s database and is not leaked out to any of its competitors may be difficult as the company will not have a choice but to trust the company that they have outsourced their R & D activities to and hope that they are not susceptible to leakage as the issue

For and Against Nuclear Power Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

For and Against Nuclear Power - Essay Example There has been varying views about nuclear power. Some people are against nuclear while others support nuclear power as a source of energy and electricity. Nuclear power is believed to be an alternative to threats of global warming. In addition, it offers unlimited source of electricity and energy. Actually, green house emissions contribute to rise globally causing an increased temperature rise. Electricity generation is a major contributor of greenhouse gas mainly due to burning of fossil fuels. On the other hand, nuclear plant does not emit carbon dioxide that is one of the major components of green house gas. Therefore nuclear power acts as a complement to other non-polluting source liken wind and solar. Moreover, nuclear power is the most reliable source of energy. There is possibility of having reliable and enough energy from nuclear plant twenty with no disruption. Nuclear power is not subject to wind, sun or tides. The amount of energy needed can be regulated. Additionally, wa ste resulting from nuclear power is minimal and accumulates after many years. Hence, there is no harm to the environment. In addition, nuclear power increases country dependence on its own source of energy. This will help a country avoid unstable supply of oil and gas usually due to conflicts arising in source countries. Hence, Supply disruption will not affect countries that have adopted nuclear power (Ferguson, & Council on Foreign Relations, 2007). However, there are still some disadvantages of nuclear power. Of the most important is the cost of building a nuclear plant. In fact, it is uneconomical compared top other source of energy. Country economy is affected significantly. Moreover, nuclear power site are becoming the target for terrorist attack. Such an attack is likely to affect the country involved significantly. Nuclear plant releases harmful chemicals with long-term consequences to the general population. Chronic diseases

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Organisational Behaviour Resit Assignment Essay

Organisational Behaviour Resit Assignment - Essay Example Managers as planners would be charged with the duty of establishing the organisation’s objectives and determining what needs to be achieved and setting the timelines. This calls for sensitivity to the environment of operation and appropriate decision making skills. While this function would be handled by top management in large corporate organisations, owners handle it in smaller firms. Discussion To explain this managerial function, Xerox Corporation provides an appropriate example. The history of this copier and printing equipment firm dates back to the 1930s with the first xerographic image being made in the US. The firm grew over years by merging with other similar firms with the 1960s marking the climax of its growth. Between 1960 and 1965, the corporation’s revenues grew from $37 million to $268 million (Dragolea & Cotirlea 2009). In the 1980s, the firm faced intense competition from its competitors from Japan and the US with its market share dropping from 86% to 17% between 1974 and 1984. This was largely attributed to the lack of strategic direction from the management. In order to return to profitability, the management sought to understand the operations of its rivals so as to adopt some of the best practices. The firm sought to implement competitive benchmarking after the study which was found to be ineffective because most of the copier companies in the market did not use most of those recommended operations. As such, through studying a supplier of outdoor clothing and sporting products, L. L. Bean, the firm implemented functional benchmarking. This saw the company spring back with customer satisfaction for Xerox’s printing copier systems rising by 39% and 38% respectively. Customer complaints were cut by over 60% with sales process recording 40% improvement. This success was a result of effectively planned turn-around strategy. Indeed, Xerox identified its weaknesses which made it uncompetitive in the market shared with its US and Japanese rivals. Its market share had greatly dropped and it therefore sought to recapture its status as a market leader in copier business. With this vision in mind, the next task for the chief executive, David Kearns was to determine how to get to that position as suggested by scholars defining planning (DuBrin 2009; Sims 2002). The chief executive crafted a program referred to as Leadership Through Quality that would see the firm mine information on what makes its rivals more effective and how they would adopt some of the identified best practices. Data on the operations of Xerox’s rivals was collected through mining information from relevant databases, trade journals and magazines, use of questionnaires and engagement of consultants (Dragolea & Cotirlea 2009). This was followed by a well planned strategy to see the firm regain its quality leadership in the market. Analysis According to DuBrin (2009), planning could be said to be either strategic or operational. The au thor differentiates strategic planning as top level management engagement with the input of other members of an organisation from operational planning as one that relates to everyday operations of a unit or the whole organisation. The planning that saw

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Personal Philosophy of Nursing Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Philosophy of Nursing - Personal Statement Example In addition, I hope to be of positive impact to the discipline by ensuring that I have good relationships with my colleagues and the community as a whole. My nursing philosophy is influenced by the legal and ethical responsibilities of a nurse towards their patients. In my belief, nurses should promote and protect the safety, health, and privileges of the patient. Every patient deserves to be given quality care irrespective of their culture, religion, race, age, and socio-economic status, among other differentiating factors (American Nurses Association, 2001). It is, therefore, my vow to guard the ethical codes for nurses, which require confidentiality and the provision of quality and safe care. In addition, being ethical in my opinion, means that I should respect the personal beliefs of my clients even if those beliefs conflict with my personal views. For example, patients may refuse to take medicine based on their religious beliefs, thus leaving me in a dilemma on what course of action to take since I know that they will not get better without the medication. In such I dilemma, I would be required to find a solution in which I would meet the patient’s need while also not compromising my beliefs thus maintain ethicality. Care and compassion are some of the greatest attributes that a nurse could have, and show to their patients. Nursing is not only concerned with the physical health of patients but also their emotional and spiritual needs. According to Chitty & Black (2007) health is a holistic entity that involves physical, emotional, physiological, spiritual, and social facets of human life. Therefore, I hope to help my patients manage the emotional stress that comes with illness, and if it is within my capacity, help them find spiritual peace as well, to enable them cope with their situation. In terms of the personal beliefs that influence my nursing practice, I strive

Monday, July 22, 2019

Diversity in America Essay Example for Free

Diversity in America Essay In an ideal world, humanity would understand that all mankind is created equally; that the underlying truth of each of us is goodness, and that through awareness, conscious choice and the willingness to create positive change, we could live in a world where diversity is celebrated. We would leave behind the substantial racist and oppressing patterns that exits in this world, specifically in the United States of America. It is said that the U. S. is a melting pot of cultures, and that we are a country of immigrants existing together as a new culture, living under the values of a democracy based on freedom, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Yet this policy is completely disregarding the fact that as immigrants, we brutally committed genocide to the Native Americans. The dominant race in the U. S. A. is made up of white Euro-centric people, and looking at the patterns that exist in this culture is important to examine the history, the ways in which racism is alive and how and who is affected. We all must look at how, as an individual and within a community, we can work towards positive change, healing and understanding. As a society, we have committed and perpetuated the oppression of different cultures specifically the Native Americans, the Native Africans and the many immigrants from different countries. In the early history of the U. S. government, it is clear that there was a systematic method that aimed to remove the Native Americans from the land that was desired by the colonists, with the malicious intention to commit genocide. The first example of the patterns of racism that were established is seen in the fabrication of stereotypes onto the Native Americans. It was said that the Natives were â€Å"barbarians† and that they would rape and murder women and children and that they â€Å"served the devil† (Tataki, 1993, p. 41). The whites held the belief that the Natives were occupying land that the colonists felt entitled to. â€Å"White people also justified the genocide by saying that Native Americans died from diseases they were biologically unable to resist† (Kivel, 2002, p.126). It is a known fact that smallpox were given to the Natives as a way to kill them. Multiple examples exist throughout the history of the whites murdering, raping and unjustly exploiting almost every aspect of the Native’s culture. After committing such horrendous violations we are left with the inability to change all that has occurred and a great sadness that produces guilt, blame and anger that often stagnates a healing process and increases denial and avoidance. The Native American population has almost completely been destroyed. â€Å"At the time Columbus arrived in the West Indies there were approximately fifteen million indigenous people†¦ today†¦ the population of native Americans in the United States is around three million according to U. S. government census figures† (Kivel, 2002, p. 124) and the remaining Natives in America are mostly confined to reservations. This small fraction of designated land is no longer their original sacred land but it is being raped for natural resources. White settlers not only committed genocide but they also enslaved the Native Americans. This pattern of entitlement and abuse was continued with the legal capturing and enslavement of people of African decent with as much violence and oppression. The history of slavery in the United States that occurred through 1619 to 1865 began soon after the English colonists first settled in Virginia and lasted until the passage of the thirteenth Amendment to the U. S. Constitution. â€Å"Over the next twenty five years Virginia passed a series of laws that legalized slavery, producing a radically subordinate and stigmatized class below that of all whites† (Kivel, 2002, p.130). Although technically slavery was abolished in1865, a linage of abuse and inhumane treatment was installed and has been carried into this day and age providing a challenge to accept and comprehend the past. In an attempt in understanding black oppression, there are aspects that demonstrate this injustice. They are institutional racism, racist knowledge and power relations that are played out in our culture and in no way have anything to do biology. Individuals and societies have created and used race as a means to oppress and overpower other groups of people. Racial oppression is when a group of people dominates another for their own benefit disregarding justice and respect through the use of violence and defining and discriminating racial differences. This dominant group receives various benefits although in the larger picture all sides loose for the continuation of a pattern of pain and injustice is insured through these actions. African-Americans are a case of this racial oppression. They were turned into slaves because of the color of their skin. It is shocking that it did not start this way and that through the power of the U. S.government slavery laws were passed that enabled the white masters to turn the blacks into slaves. This is an example of the institutional racism used to enslave the blacks. Because of this occurrence, we, as a society, must break down the residual stereotypes that have instilled fear, pain and disconnection between the races, and to change the model that exists even at this point in time. Another example of racism in the U. S. is seen in the treatment of immigrants. This subject is personal, for on my father’s side of my family I am part of the first generation born in American. My father’s parents immigrated to the U. S. , to escape the holocaust and I am sure shared the dreams of the majority of different immigrants who traveled to the â€Å"land of opportunity,† escaping places of war and economic devastation to begin and pursue a new and better life. Through the duration of attending a class studying the diversity in America I have gained painful yet poignant knowledge of the racism that is still perpetrated upon immigrants, specifically on Jewish people. I have recently learned that groups of neo-Nazis congregate and commit acts of violence against Jewish people and immigrating races. This is terrifying to me and feels unacceptable while we live under a constitution that allows personal expression but does not permit such distinct racist and violent behavior. I am grateful and saddened that because I was raised in a protected and privileged community I have rarely experienced oppression and hateful discrimination when it so readily exists in our culture. In the past few months I find myself cycling through heartbreak, anger and disbelief of the injustice that has and still occurs, and then to a yearning for healing and equality for all. I remain in a space of wonderment, questioning the fact that although laws have been installed to prevent the acts of racism, fear, ignorance and violence is bubbling hot under the surface of our society, and we are a long way from a complete shift in humanity that I crave. I do believe there is hope. I believe that in gaining the truth of the past and diminishing ignorance of the harm that was and still is being done we open a door that may aid in the battles that are still being fought. Although the brutality of racism is alive, the potential to fight for the rights of all the people who live upon this American soil is possible, but the truth of the history and the attainment of awareness must be brought to fruition. Reference List Kivel, Paul, (2002). Uprooting racism: How White People Can Work For Racial Justice. Gabriola Island, BC VOR 1X0, Canada: New Society Publishers. Takaki, Ronald, (1993). A Different Mirror: A History of Multicultural America. New York, NY: Time Warner Book Group.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Dc Motor Speed Control Methods Engineering Essay

The Dc Motor Speed Control Methods Engineering Essay ABSTRACT This paper describes the Matlab and simulink converts into actuality of the DC motor speed control methods, namely field resistance, armature resistance control methods and armature voltage, and feedback control system for DC motor drives and this paper describes mathematical modelling, simulation of DC motor system using computer simulations Matlab and simulink, by this system response to change various parameters like system stability, disturbances, analysis and optimization of model parameters with respect to the quality of control. If simulation techniques are used for determining the control parameters a simulation model is necessary, which has to be constructed from the analytical model. INTRODUCTION DC Motor is an electrical motor and it most commonly used in an electrical device for easy to drive the instruments, steel rolling mills, electric cranes, and robotic manipulators due to precise, wide, simple, and continuous control characteristics. To control the speed of low power DC Motor rheostatic armature control method were used. The basic parts of the DC motor are- axle, rotor (armature), stator, commutator, field magnet, and brushes. In the geometry of brushes, commutator contacts, and rotor windings are arranged in such a manner so that when power is applied then polarities of the energized winding and the stator magnets are misaligned and the rotor will start to rotate until it is almost aligned with the stators field magnets. When the rotor reaches to alignment, the brushes move to next commutator contacts, and energize the next winding. There are variable types of DC Motor available in market with the good and bad qualities. Bad quality means lag in efficiency. To recover or stop this kind efficiency problem controller is introduce in the system. Brushed DC motors are most widely used in applications and its ranging from toys to push-button adjustable car seats. Brushed DC (BDC) motors are inexpensive but easy to drive. Brushed DC motors are easily available in all size and shape with the wide range from large-scale industrial models to small motors for light applications (such as 12 V DC motors). . BDC motors are most commonly used in easy to drive, with variable speed and high start-up torque applications. OBJECTIVE The Fig.1 shows the analogues electrical circuit. MODELLING The circuit which was given is drawn in the Matlab by using simulink. In the circuit diagram the flow of current BLOCK DIAGRAM Figure shows the block diagram of DC motor TRANSFER FUNCTION K/{(Ls+R)(Js+f)+K2}  Ã‚ ± 1/s Vapp Fig 4.1. Transfer Function STATE SPACE MODEL As we know that, V- .†¦. (1) †¦.. (2) Substituting equation (2) in (1) †¦. (3) .†¦ (4) †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. (5) Substituting (5) in (4) †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ (6) Differentiating (6), we get †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. (7) Putting (3) in (7), we get †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ (8) Now †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ (9) Substituting (9) in (8), we get We know that x=Ax + Bu Y=Cx + Du X= The State Space Model represents by the linear equation and it is written as. x= Ax + Bu y = Cx + Du Below figure shows the state space model (Calculation is in appendix) Figure 5.1 State Space Model PHYSICAL SYSTEM Consider a DC Motor, in this electrical circuit of the armature and free body diagram of rotor are shown in figure below. Fixture: DC Motor is a common actuator in control systems. Brushed DC Motor fundamentals A Brushed DC Motor consists of stationary fixed permanent magnets i.e. stator, a rotating electromagnetic i.e. rotor and flux, which is concentrated by metal. Rotor rotate by the attraction of the opposite poles and repulsion of the like poles, it cause to generate torque and torque acts on rotor and then make it turn. As the rotor start to rotate or turn then fixed brushes make and breaks the contact in such a way that with the rotating segments (commutation). The rotor coil of the brushed motor energized and de-energized in such a way so that the rotor start to turns. By transferring the power to the motor, current generate in rotor coils and therefore the north and south poles are reversed and because of the motor change the direction. From the Strength of the magnetic field, speed and torque of the motor depend Figure (1) Brushed DC Motor PRINCIPLE OPERATION Construction and operation of the Brushed DC Motor is shown below in figure (2).for the construction of the BDC motor always the same components are required i.e. Stator, rotor, commutator and brush. Figure (2) Simple two-pole brushed DC Motor Stator The rotor surrounded by the stationary magnetic field which is generated by the stator and this filed is generated by the permanent magnet or electromagnetic winding. On the construction of the stator, different types of BDC distinguish. Rotor Rotor is also known as an armature and it is made up of one or more windings. Magnetic field is produce when they energized. When the opposite pole of the magnetic poles, attract to each other which is generated by the stator, and causing the rotor to turns. The opposite poles are always attracting to each other. As the motor turns, the windings are being constantly energized. This deviation of the field in the rotor is called as an armature. Brushes and commutator There is no requirement of controller in BDC to switch current in motor winding. The commutation winding of the BDC motor is done mechanically. Reside on the axel of rotor there is a segmented copper sleeves called commutator. Carbon brushes slides over the commutator coming in a contact with the different segments of the commutator as the motor starts to turn. When the voltage is applied across the brushes of the motor then dynamic magnetic field is generated inside the motor. Brushes and commutator are the most important parts of the BDC motor that are most prone to wear because they are the sliding part to each other. SPEED CONTROL The Speed of a DC Motor is directly proportional to the voltage. By using the digital controller voltage can be control and to generate the average voltage pulse-width modulated (PWM) signal is used. In motor there is a motor winding which acts as a low pass filter so PWM develop a suitable current in the motor winding. ADVANTAGES Cheap in price because low cost of construction. Extend a life by replacing a brush. Inexpensive motor and simple control. Speed/Torque is normal at high speed. On fixed speed no control is required, Controller is required only at variable speed in this condition same controller can be used. DISADVANTAGES Maintenance is required for brushed DC Motor because of brush. If the brush friction increases, reduce the useful torque. Heat dissipation is poor because of internal rotor construction. Speed range is limited because of the mechanical limitation on brushes. Life is also shorter. Noise is generated due to brush. Application examples: moving toys, fans, printers, robots, electric bikes, -doors, -windows, -sun roofs, -seats, mixers, food processors, can openers, blenders, vacuum cleaners, toothbrushes, razors, coffee grinders, etc. Physical Parameters Moment of inertia of the motor (J) = 9.89 E-7 kg Nm s/rad Damping ratio of the mechanical system (b) = 5.84E-7 Nm s/rad Electromotive force or motor constant (K=Ke=Kt) = 0.008 Nm/-w Electric resistance (R) = 0.80 ohms Electric inductance (L) = 0.00041H Friction coefficient, f Input (V): Source Voltage Output (theta): position of shaft the rotor and shaft are assumed to be rigid CONCLUSION Brushed DC motors are very simple to use and easy to control, which makes them a short design-in item. PIC microcontrollers, especially those with CCP or ECCP modules are ideally suited for driving BDC motors. Refference Circuit Diagram for DC Motor Control by A. Collins file:///D:/matlab/index.php.htm

Effects of Donald Trumps Trade Policy

Effects of Donald Trumps Trade Policy Normative Effects and Prospects on President Donald Trump’s Protectionism Abstract A newly elected president of the United States of America, Donald Trump has been acknowledged for several radical policies. Concerns from all over the world for his protectionism has risen as he took steps to enforce policies. The United States has been reviewing free trade agreements (FTA) with numerous countries, attempting to impose a tax on foreign products so, domestic manufacturing industries could able to compete and outsell. In short term, it would create the instant profit. There were mainly two concepts of protectionism; imposing a tax on foreign products, and limiting the number of imported goods. However, there were professional worries internationally, even inside of this country as well. There were feasibilities to lose domestic corporations’ willingness to invest in research and development and competitiveness in other countries, resulting in degeneration of domestic industry. Foundation of Study Donald Trump’s Presidential election attracted worldwide attention. There are lots of views that are conflicting each other on the new U.S President’s political outlook. Protectionists argue that protection will lead to greater prosperity and strength (Merry, 2016). Trump’s base is profoundly suspicious of American engagement abroad. He opposed stubbornly of Clinton on foreign policy. He has doubted what the U.S. gets out of core alliances with NATO, Japan and South Korea (Powell, 2016). One the other hand, anti-protectionists assert that the changed policy will boost the rate of inflation and ultimately depress U.S exports. This new condition is an ill bode for the proposed twelve-nation Trans-Pacific Partnership, designed to usher in a new generation of free-trade deals (Merry, 2016). This research examines how Trump’s shift in trade policy will affect U.S. Background of the Problem Protectionism is the opposite term with free trade that is trying to close and isolate its country by giving control, like taxing goods and services made from overseas. Trump wants to protect American manufacturers and workers by throwing away the free-trade principle. All of the policies regarding international trade, protectionism in this research, such as the decision to withdraw from the TPP, decision to renegotiate NAFTA and FTA, and decision to impose great amount of tariffs (Panchak, 2016), contain strength and weakness, and entail positive and negative impact on global economy: Therefore, politicians must undergo prudence process of thinking and meeting in every respect, includes (a) advantages on protectionism, (b) disadvantages on protectionism, (c) opposite policy’s merits and demerits (free trade), and (d) solution. Problem Statement The United States, as well as other various countries, had taken action to protect their home industries after the global financial debacle. The international financial crisis caused not only economic uncertainty about the world economy, but also delay on economic recovery after the global financial debacle. Especially, the United States posted a huge amount of trade deficit for several years (Hannon, 2016). Trump attributes the cause to other partner countries. For example, he blames that China had been manipulated their currency selfish interest, and exerts his pressure to administration to trading partners. â€Å"Donald Trump says he’ll declare soon after he takes office that China is a currency manipulator because it is devaluing the yuan against the dollar. He may want to rethink that. These days China is intervening in the capital markets to prevent the yuan from going into free fall. The currency is now close to an eight-year low, down 12% from its peak in January 2014 (Wall Street, 2016).† Today’s enthusiastic debate over US trade policy with the vast tariff debate of the late 19th century. The 2016 presidential campaign trumpets the return of protectionism. Mirroring the paranoia of Republicans past, those who support free trade initiatives are now charged with being part of a great conspiracy to attenuate American democracy (Palen, 2016). The central research question examined in this study is the following: How will the revised policies, originated from â€Å"Make America Great Again† campaign, affect the U.S and other countries? Presentations of Findings Protectionism helps domestic industry in competition by charging high imported tax to foreign products. There is unfortunate story that imports killing the Mon Valley caused by the free trade. It states, â€Å"The more I read of local businesses and factories shutting down, workers being laid off, towns dying as imports soared. The more I began to ask myself, the price of free trade in painful† (Merry, 2016). However, Protectionism’s negative effects would hit even more to the U.S. – the world’s largest economy – while restricting export markets, increasing prices of imported goods and services for consumers and producers. Even for the U.S., three quarters of the world market in financial terms, and 95 percent of the world’s customers in people terms, lies outside its borders, it is not just a domestic matter. A protectionist U.S. economy focused only on its domestic market can never match the advantages of orientation to a global economy. Fo r Germany, 95 percent of its potential market is outside its borders, for Brazil 97 percent, for Australia 98 percent, and for Thailand over 99 percent. Such countries, therefore, applaud Xi Jinping’s unequivocal defense of globalization, not because of deference to China but from national self-interest because globalization really is â€Å"win-win† (Ross, 2017). One of the most important factor when choosing products among different brands, price takes a key role. No one would not want to pay more for the same quality of goods. For example, if the custom of the United States of the America imposes to the automobile of the Japan, not many customers want to buy Toyota’s Camry for forty thousand dollars when you could have Ford’s Fusion with the half price of Japanese cars’. In a first glance, it looks feasible and domestic companies gain the advantages in competition. However, there is a possibility that domestic corporations lose the willingness to invest in research and development (R&D) because they do not need them. If you can win the competition with less or no efforts, you do not want to struggle in R&D. There is an English example in the early era of the car industry. In England, when the automobile was developed in the 1990s, horse cars and automobile were competing. Due to the repulsion of horse car owners, the House of Parliament enacts the law limiting the speed of automobile that cars cannot outrun the horse cars. The law had been enforced for twenty years, leading the failure to compete in the automobile industry. This example does not relate with the protectionism, but it gives a lesson when there is no competition, the competitiveness do not get stronger nor stay the same, it degenerates. In order to remain our competitiveness, ironically, domestic companies should struggle with others. Worse thing than losing competitiveness is other countries can do what we do. If we can impose taxes on foreign imports, they also can impose taxes on American products. Smooth-Hawley Tariff of 1930, for instance, which raised duties on some twenty thousand imported goods, in some instances to record levels. American economists had petitioned the president to veto the bill as economic poison. â€Å"Countries cannot permanently buy from us unless they are permitted to sell to us,† said the economists, echoing the views of that rustic Texan, Roger Mills, and the more we restrict the importation of goods from them by means of even higher tariffs the more we reduce the possibility of our exporting to them (Merry, 2016). Furthermore, we are already losing money on foreign markets, and if we lose our competitiveness for imposed taxes, we would never compete with anyone. The functioning structure of American economy is not supported by manufacturing. We make fortune from the Informat ion Technology (IT), out of state technologies, and finance. For example, Trump administration is reviewing the FTA between South Korea and the United States. We think we are not making fortune for the military we offer for them, and the products we export to them. Stupidly, it is not true that even though we are losing a fortune in trading our goods, but we sell our weapons. I am not talking about small firearms, but I am talking about the fighter flights, Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) systems and so on. The deployment of Terminal High Altitude Area Defense is in South Korea. The approval of the South Korean government to deploy  THAAD  in the country in response to the intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) test of North Korea (LEE, 2017). At the end, we win the war while we lost some battles, losing hundreds of million dollars while earning hundreds of billion dollars. For another example, Mexico is currently the 3rd largest goods trading partner of the US, w ith $531 billion in bilateral goods trade during 2015. Goods exports totaled $236 billion; goods imports totaled $295 billion. â€Å"Interestingly, 40 per cent of the parts in a typical Mexican product originate in US, illustrating that Mexico (and other countries such as Canada) are integrated into the US global supply chains, according to the Commerce Department. Hence, around 6 million US jobs depend on trade just with Mexico, according to the US Chamber of Commerce. Thus, tariffs on Mexican products could ultimately lead to loss of jobs in the US and degenerate the US economy, in addition to the impact on consumers (Shawn, 2017). There is a way to implement the protectionism that limiting the number of foreign goods. If there is a limit of the number of imports, there are limits of the fortune that the foreign countries would make. Likewise, it is a very shortsighted idea, resulting in degeneration of domestic industry again. The invisible hand is well-known terminology for the free market that the economy is controlled by the supply and the demand. Every time the government tried to manipulate for its own favor, the results did not follow the expectation like a football ball. Multiple economists and analysts expressed their pessimism about the potential benefits of protectionism, a trend that is expected to increase in line with populist political movements in Europe and the US. â€Å"Past practice shows that trade protection is both costly and ineffective. High tariffs translate into higher prices both for consumers and companies. Protectionism disproportionately hurts poorer households who spend a greater share of income on traded goods,† said Gary Hufbauer, Senior Fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics, and former deputy assistant secretary for international trade and investment policy of the US Treasury (Shawn, 2017). There is a point that the United States was a young and lively nation, rich in resources and geographical advantages, populated by a robust and expansionist people, beneficially situated upon the American continent, facing two oceans. Its destiny seemed secure irrespective of fiscal policies at any given time or the political passions unleashed by the tariff issue (Merry, 2016). Reflections Trumps protectionism would lead negative impacts on domestic and international industries. We must think if we can do on foreign goods, then they also can do on domestic exports like imposing taxes or limiting the number of products. I admire his effort to vitalize United States’ economy with politics, however, his protectionism has too many risks that might result in the collapse of the economy like the one of Japan in the late 1990’s. There was a long-term stagnation and instability of the Japanese economy in the 1990s (so called â€Å"lost decade†). Especially of the protracted deflation and insufficient final domestic consumption, the asset price bubble collapse at the beginning of the 1990s has probably activated and amplified impacts of other complicated processes in the economy. The blast of the bubble has negatively impacted both Japanese financial sector and production and investment activity of Japanese companies and so on (Zuzana, 2012). It is not the government who make decisions to make the America great again with the strong economy, but it is the corporate themselves with lots of creative ideas and competitiveness to compete with foreign businesses. Conclusion To sum up, such a considerable alteration in policy, strategy and tactics will hardly be easy. It will meet strong headwinds in today’s domestic political climate (Ezrati, 2016). We do not know the consequences of our protectionism policy to the domestic economy and international markets. Although there are concerning voices against the policy, quoting trial and error of foreign countries, we would not know the results until we know the result. Some dislike not the only protectionism for losing our ability to fight against others, but also eventually we lose the competition at the end as result of a negative cycle of degeneration induced from eliminated benefits from the fair competition. These might be the reasonable concerns, however, we cannot ignore the instant impact the protectionism would have to our economy because the crowd has spoken with the media of vote. Trump was elected thanks to his radical policies, including the protectionism, and that is what the majority of people want in the United States. As the president of this country, he has to implement what he promised to us during the election. If the protectionism is going to lead bad sequences of our economy, he should reconsider the foreign policies but that is not the end of his job. He needs to come up with different policies pertaining to both domestic and international businesses to facilitate to get out from the era of economic depression. When you watch the news, there are still protestors against Trumps administration, nevertheless, if he can make America great again, the voices against him would disappear along with the concerns questioning his ability as our president. Politics and economy are like betting for the gamble. Even though you have all data and calculated expectation, still players bet for the probabilities. What they do is eliminate the unlikelihood and maximize the probability of what they bet. Protectionism is a gigantic bet playing where participants are coming from the all of the worlds. Alea Iacta Est; it is a dice is cast in Latin. Trump’s protectionism would have impacts on the domestic economy and foreign countries. We do not know the future yet hope these policies make America great again. References Ezrati, M. (2016). Defending free trade. National Interest, 144, 51-55. Hannon, P. (2016, November 26). Global trade rebound threatened by protectionism after trump victory. Wall Street Journal, 1. LEE, B. (2017). THAAD deployment in South Korea. Harvard International Review, 38, 34-37. Merry, R. W. (2016). Protectionism in America. National Interest, 146, 28-36. Palen. M (2016). The return of protectionism. History Today, 66, 6. Panchak, P. (2016). Trump and trade. Industry Week/IW, 265, 6. POWELL, B. (2016). How’s that gram you?. Newsweek Global, 167, 12-15. Ross, J. (2017). Weeks when decades happen: Global thought leadership passes from the U.S. to China at Davos. China Today, 66, 40-43. Shawn, T. (2017). The promise and the peril of the Trump economy.  Fortune, 175. Zuzana, S. (2012). Japan’s lost decade: On the development of the Japanese economy in the 1990s.  Journal of International Relations,  4. (2016). Trump’s Chinese currency manipulation. Wall Street Journal.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Actions Of The Government And The Increase In Prices :: essays research papers

Actions of the Government and The Increase in Prices   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The United States economy is currently producing at a level of full employment in long-run equilibrium. The government then decides to increase taxes and to reduce government spending in an effort to balance the budget. The results of the actions taken by the government is the decrease of real GDP. When taxes are increased that the amount of disposable income that is available to consumers is lowered. This lowered level of disposable income leads to a decrease in consumption spending as well as a decrease in savings. This decrease in consumer and government spending causes the total spending to decrease by a multiplied amount, As a result of the decrease in total spending the aggregate demand decreases and the aggregate demand curve shifts to the left. This decrease in consumer and government spending also causes businesses to have a surplus of inventories. At this point the output is greater than spending and as a result prices begin to fall. Because of the surplus of goods and falling prices consumption becomes more desirable to consumers and the level of consumer spending rises. The fall in prices causes business to become less profitable and producers decrease the level of production. This results in the decrease of the aggregate quantity supplied to decrease. This continues until aggregate quantity demanded equal the aggregate quantity supplied and a period of short- run equilibrium is established. The real GDP and the price level have both decreased from the original long-run equilibrium level and the economy is operating under the full employment level. At this point the U.S. economy is at a recessionary gap and a monetary policy must be used to pull the economy from the current recession.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are three options that the Federal Reserve has to try and end the current recession. The federal funds rate could be lowered, the discount to banks could be lowered, or open market operations could be used. The most effective of these three options is the use of expansionary monetary policy through open market operations. The first step in this option is for the Federal Reserve to start to purchase bonds from consumers. As the Federal Reserve begins to buy these bonds back the bond prices are increased to make the selling of these bonds more attractive to consumers. When the Federal Reserve purchases a bond from a consumer a check is issued to the seller for the agreed price. This higher bond prices also lowers interest rates. The seller then deposits this check into his/her bank. This action increases deposits in the

Friday, July 19, 2019

Red Badge Of Courage Paper -- essays research papers

During the Civil War, a Union regiment rests along a riverbank, where they have been camped for weeks. The tall soldier Jim Conklin spreads a rumor that the army will soon march. Jim is a man who is very sure of himself and his own opinions. Henry Fleming, a recent recruit with the 304th regiment, worries about his courage, thinking that if he were ever to see a battle, he might run. Henry joined the army because he was drawn to the glory of military conflict, but since he joined, all the army has done is wait.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  At last the regiment is given the orders to march, and the soldiers spend several wearying days traveling on foot. Eventually they near a battlefield, and they begin to hear the distant roar of battle. After taking their positions, they were charged by the enemy; Henry, boxed in by his fellow soldiers, realizes that he could not run even if he wanted to. He fires mechanically, feeling like a gear in a huge machine. The blue regiment defeated the gray soldiers, and then men congratulate one another. Henry wakes from a brief nap to find that the men are being charged again. This time, terror overtakes him, and he leaps up and flees from the line. As he dodges through the landscape, he tells himself that he did the right ting to flee, that his regiment could not have won, and the men who remained to fight were fools. But he passes a general on horseback, and overhears the commander saying that the men have held back the enemy charge. Feelin...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Walmart Essay -- GCSE Business Marketing Coursework

Walmart History: Beginning to Today Wal-Mart is a general merchandise discount retailer, which was incorporated in 1962. Wal-Mart’s history is based on one man, Sam Walton, who changed the course of retailing forever. Sam Walton first entered retailing when he was a management trainee at J.C. Penny Co. in 1940 in Des Moines, Iowa. After serving in the Army in World War II, Walton acquired a Ben Franklin variety store franchise with his brother James Walton in Newport Arkansas, until they lost the lease to the store in 1950. By 1962, when the first Wal-Mart Discount City was opened in Rogers Arkansas, both Walton’s were operating fifteen stores under the â€Å"Walton 5 & 10† name, and were the largest Ben Franklin franchisee in the country. Limited pricing, low gross margins, and high inventory turnover characterized these stores. Walton phased out the stores in 1976 in order to focus on the emerging Wal-Mart stores. In 1978, the first distribution center was built, followed by the first Wal-Ma rt Supercenter in 1983 and a Sam’s Club in 1988. Important to Walton, and ultimately Wal-Mart, are certain philosophies that were amounted over time. Walton held these values tightly, and engrained them in the Wal-Mart cultures. From his experience at J.C. Penny Co. he was impressed with the philosophies they used (e.g. â€Å"The Penny Idea†) and used them to mold Wal-Mart. This included referring to employees as â€Å"associates†, serving the public to their complete satisfaction, and receiving a fair profit from services rendered. Walton’s theory on what Wal-Mart should be is â€Å"a conveniently located one-stop shopping unit where customers could buy a wide variety of quality merchandise at discount prices.† And as Wal-Mart grew, management sought a firm that was a â€Å"discount department store chain offering a wide variety of general merchandise to the customer.† It was on these values and philosophies that Wal-Mart expanded. Wal-Mart has grown above and beyond the Arkansas store that opened thirty-nine years ago. It serves more than 100 million customers weekly in all of the 50 states, plus Puerto Rico, Canada, China, Mexico, Brazil, Germany, United Kingdom, Argentina, and South Korea. Wal-Mart’s current operating numbers are: Wal-Mart Stores 1,736 SuperCenters 888 SAM’s Clubs 475 Wal-Mart Neighbo... ...mount of inconvenience, Wal-Mart should implement more entrances and exits into different departments, such as the Garden department and the Grocery department, with signage that easily identifies what part of the store the entrances are leading too. Moving from the retail level to business relationships, Wal-Mart has extensive opportunities to expand on its distinctive competency of its distribution system. The company has strategically placed distribution centers all over the US close to its stores. This not only makes for an excellent venue to supply Wal-Marts, but other companies’ stores as well. Wal-Mart Inc. can be a competitive distributor that would service companies not in direct competition with Wal-Mart. A study should be conducted to find out which industry should be targeted for this type of venture. This is a low risk high return venture because Wal-Mart would be using facilities that the company already owns, and expansion of these facilities is already in the making. In addition, Wal-Mart has already been successful in distribution with its offspring grocery store distributor â€Å"McLean†. McLean services not only Wal-Marts, but convenience stores as well. Walmart Essay -- GCSE Business Marketing Coursework Walmart History: Beginning to Today Wal-Mart is a general merchandise discount retailer, which was incorporated in 1962. Wal-Mart’s history is based on one man, Sam Walton, who changed the course of retailing forever. Sam Walton first entered retailing when he was a management trainee at J.C. Penny Co. in 1940 in Des Moines, Iowa. After serving in the Army in World War II, Walton acquired a Ben Franklin variety store franchise with his brother James Walton in Newport Arkansas, until they lost the lease to the store in 1950. By 1962, when the first Wal-Mart Discount City was opened in Rogers Arkansas, both Walton’s were operating fifteen stores under the â€Å"Walton 5 & 10† name, and were the largest Ben Franklin franchisee in the country. Limited pricing, low gross margins, and high inventory turnover characterized these stores. Walton phased out the stores in 1976 in order to focus on the emerging Wal-Mart stores. In 1978, the first distribution center was built, followed by the first Wal-Ma rt Supercenter in 1983 and a Sam’s Club in 1988. Important to Walton, and ultimately Wal-Mart, are certain philosophies that were amounted over time. Walton held these values tightly, and engrained them in the Wal-Mart cultures. From his experience at J.C. Penny Co. he was impressed with the philosophies they used (e.g. â€Å"The Penny Idea†) and used them to mold Wal-Mart. This included referring to employees as â€Å"associates†, serving the public to their complete satisfaction, and receiving a fair profit from services rendered. Walton’s theory on what Wal-Mart should be is â€Å"a conveniently located one-stop shopping unit where customers could buy a wide variety of quality merchandise at discount prices.† And as Wal-Mart grew, management sought a firm that was a â€Å"discount department store chain offering a wide variety of general merchandise to the customer.† It was on these values and philosophies that Wal-Mart expanded. Wal-Mart has grown above and beyond the Arkansas store that opened thirty-nine years ago. It serves more than 100 million customers weekly in all of the 50 states, plus Puerto Rico, Canada, China, Mexico, Brazil, Germany, United Kingdom, Argentina, and South Korea. Wal-Mart’s current operating numbers are: Wal-Mart Stores 1,736 SuperCenters 888 SAM’s Clubs 475 Wal-Mart Neighbo... ...mount of inconvenience, Wal-Mart should implement more entrances and exits into different departments, such as the Garden department and the Grocery department, with signage that easily identifies what part of the store the entrances are leading too. Moving from the retail level to business relationships, Wal-Mart has extensive opportunities to expand on its distinctive competency of its distribution system. The company has strategically placed distribution centers all over the US close to its stores. This not only makes for an excellent venue to supply Wal-Marts, but other companies’ stores as well. Wal-Mart Inc. can be a competitive distributor that would service companies not in direct competition with Wal-Mart. A study should be conducted to find out which industry should be targeted for this type of venture. This is a low risk high return venture because Wal-Mart would be using facilities that the company already owns, and expansion of these facilities is already in the making. In addition, Wal-Mart has already been successful in distribution with its offspring grocery store distributor â€Å"McLean†. McLean services not only Wal-Marts, but convenience stores as well.


Donglian yuan Assignment 4 This assignment depart give you taste of how I exigency certain calculations performed and shown on the upcoming exam. I would like you to perform the required go as d unmatched in the PowerPoint or in homework answers. Use serve bankers bill as done in Assignment 2. Show all calculations gamble z-score (when appropriate) and such, use function notation counterbalancely, with correct mathematical syntax. Round probabilities to four tenfold places. The work required to show may require the use of ingredients.You have both choices both acceptable. You can either keep open a step involving a fraction as (20 15)/2 or apply MathType as pic. MathType was mentioned in the module melt down Introduction, Course Requirements. There are trinity problems here. Scenario I go to an profits place that has a stochastic itemise author set to erect random accredited numbers from a constant statistical distribution with the user picking the determin e of the endpoints. I set the random generator to bring about numbers in the fol kickoffing breakup 25 X 48.If the the distribution is therefore uniform, and the sampling method is unbiased, then identification number 1 shows the theoretical mean and bar deviation. 1. I gather a pattern of ten from random sampling and I get the following set of numbers. precedent result 25. 02 34. 58 28. 29 38. 75 34. 95 33. 16 30. 95 40. 23 38. 99 37. 69 The question that lead be posed concerns using my take average from the ten values I generated, assuming that thusly, (x = 36. 5 with ? x = 6. 64 and the distribution is uniform. a.What is the probability of acquiring a hear average as low or even trim than the one we got from our sample of ten. pic pic About 4. 2% of getting a sample average as low or even lower than the one we got from our sample of ten. Grading cover answer 70%. Correct notation 20%, required components of problem/ neatness 10%. Scenario I go to an internet si te that has a random number generator set to produce random real numbers from a uniform distribution with the user picking the values of the endpoints.I set the random generator to produce numbers in the following interval 25 X 48. If the the distribution is indeed uniform, and the sampling method is unbiased, then aim 1 shows the theoretical mean and cadence deviation. I gather a sample of ten from random sampling and I get the following set of numbers. attempt result 25. 02 34. 58 28. 29 38. 75 34. 95 33. 16 30. 95 40. 23 38. 99 37. 69

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Paying Less for Fashion Essay

Payless skidSource, Inc. is the largest footgear retail merchant in the United States. The withstand aloneiance operates to a greater extent or less 4,700 caudexs in all 50 states as swell as Puerto Rico, Guam, Saipan, the U.S. s matchlessing(a) Islands, Canada, primaeval America, the Caribbean, Ecuador, and Japan. It too exchanges footwear via the Internet at Payless has built its success by clear uper a large selection of topographic aspire at very base outlays, intimately selling for less than $15 as of 2004.The caller has been able to maintain its low-cost expenses by sticking scooply to a self-service initialise, keeping a tense rein on cost construction, and press on efficient sourcing and inventory controls. Payless ShoeSource targets as its main customers women from 18 to 44 days of age with ho engagementhold incomes of less than $75,000, and it estimates that in some(prenominal) retrovertn division, 40 percentage of the women in this target group sully at least angiotensin-converting enzyme match of footwear at a Payless store. The corporation remained a May subsidiary until 1996, when it was spun glowering to May divideholders as an independent, humansly traded firm.Payless ShoeSource founded in Topeka, Kansas in 1956 by brothers Louis and Shaol Pozez that is owned by embodied Brands, Inc, on a revolutionary idea selling topographic point in a self-select environment. In 1961, it became a creation connection as the batch Shoe Corporation which merged with the May subdivision depots Company in 1979. More than 50 years later, Payless continues the self-select model combined with bind customer service to provide a fun and engaging shopping produce for our customers.Today, Payless serves millions of consumers through its powerful global profit of stores in all 50 U.S. states, as well as in Puerto Rico, Guam, Saipan, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Canada, Central America, the Caribbean and South America. The company to a fault has an galloping presence in the Eastern hemisphere through franchising arrangements.UPDATING1956 Pay-Less National is founded in Topeka, Kansas, by devil cousins, Louis and Shaol Pozez, to open self-service stores selling compute footwear.1962 The Company goes macrocosm as quite a little Distri merelyors.1967 The company is renamed Volume Shoe Corporation an accelerated intricacy program is launched.1978 The Payless ShoeSource name is adopted for the book of the companys retail outlets.1979 Volume Shoe is acquired by the May subdivision Stores Company.1991 The company name is changed to Payless ShoeSource, Inc.1996 May spins Payless off to sh atomic number 18holders, reservation it once a submit an independent, publicly traded firm. 1997 The mid- footingd shoe chain Parade of garb is acquired from J. Baker, Inc. the frontmost Canadian Payless stores open.1999 The firm launches e-commerce at Payless enters into a joint v enture to expand into the Central Ameri lavatory region.2004 As mapping of a major restructuring, Payless announces that it provide scrawny down the Parade chain and stringent hundreds of Payless ShoeSource outlets.PEOPLE AND ORGANIZATIONS INVOLVED savorless Rubel now he is Senior Advisor at TPG Capital, L.P. and TPG Growth and served as the Chief administrator officeholder and President at Collective Brands. He served as the Chief executive s pelviss officer and President at Payless Shoesource Inc., a subsidiary of Collective Brands. He served as the Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of gelt Haan, Inc from February 1999 to July 2005, where he transformed it into a global life title grease celebrating Ameri back end luxury. former to joining Cole Haan, Mr. Rubel served as an Executive Vice President of J. crowd Group.He is responsible for the success of Payless, Cole Haan and J. combination. His involvement in this case is critical to these brand names. http// Haan, J. Crew specialty retailers throughout the United States. Matt Rubel is the sensation responsible for the success of this devil brands. They ar competitors of Payless, but they a c atomic number 18 sell clothing.Carrie Bradshaw fictional character abduce and lead character of the HBO romantic sitcom Sex and the City, represent by actress Sarah Jessica Parker. This character was the icon of the disco biscuit and every woman valued to face up manage her and dress worry her. She was a elanista and the sitcom revolved around path and clothing. Payless at a lower regularisestood this trend and tried to figure of attack women who indispensablenessed to look just same her, without spending that much money.Kenneth Cole, Michael Kors top aspirationers who were employ to fulfill their places in the Payless Design team. They twain had their own clothing lines, but Payless created an coalescence schema with their names and brands, so women would acquire their shoes. This was a smart move by Matt Rubel.Lela move up, Stacey Bendet, Christian Siriano Haute Coture up-and-coming visualizeers from radical(a) York City. One of them in truth won a competition show named Project Runway. Payless asked them to take over their solicitations, aiming for haute couture, in other words, avant garde designs. They intend to sell cheaper shoes, but with spacious sophisticated designs. The typical panacheista was in for it.Mardi Larson principal, owner and political boss Marketing & Communications consultant at Mardi Larson Communications and has served a range of clients with consulting function and as a contract concern for much than a decade. Also take in her roster of clients argon footwear brands like Sperry Top-Sider, Keds and Stride Rite, among others. She was the head of public relations of Payless, and progressed the target scratch for them.Maxine Clark Maxine Clark was born on March 6 of 1949 in Florida, had her degree in rightfulness from St. Louis University. In 1996, Maxine Clark found Build-a-bear industrial planthop. Prior to founding Build-A-Bear Workshop in 1997, Ms. Clark served as the President and Chief Merchandising Officer at Payless Shoesource Inc. from November 1992 to January 1996. Recognized the scheme of Payless, as to sell cheap and chic.Marian Salzman Ameri washstand advertising and public relations executive. She is currently president of Euro RSCG Worldwide PR wedlock America and a member of the attribute company, Euro RSCG Worldwides Executive Committee, with brand reputation oversight for the company and make executives globally. She forecasted this trend that made Payless grow.Tiffany, Gucci, Armani top brands that can be found in young Yorks Fifth Avenue. They ar the ones to band trends and women look forward to dress in their clothes. They atomic number 18 very expensive, and the middle twelvemonth woman can non buy them. This is where Payless supplies their demand of juicy spurt and inexpensive prices.Isaac Mizrahi American fashion designer and TV presenter, best know for eponymous fashion lines. First greathearted fashion designer to make an adhesion with Payless. This made other brands and designers to focus on the company. They also wanted to work with Payless in a long-lasting alliance, with great benefits for both(prenominal) of the parts.Walmart, Kohls, pit American retailers that were keep an eye onn as great discount one-stop shops that had become the vendors of choice for moneyed budgets for buying shoes. Payless was competing with this major retailers and they needed approximatelything to commemorate from them. Their cheap and chic schema was the firmness of purpose to overcome this competitors.Elle, Vogue, W fashion magazines that knack the trends and state what is IN and what its not. Payless ran whole ads featuring thei r wisefangled-made tagline Look A pip. This was a schema directed to fashionistas and frequent buyers of this magazines. They intend to show them that their shoes were so near that they were featured by this great magazines.Sophia Bush, Brittany deoxycytidine monophosphate both are actresses and fashion icons. all(prenominal) teenager and young woman wanted to look like them. They were invited into the backstage of Lela Roses fashion show in New York Fashion Week, and were spotted clothing Payless shoes. They featured this Payless shoes and wore them proudly, announcing the fashion field that it was okay to wear slightlything low-cost and chic.Karl Lagerfeld & H&M, Vera Wang & Kohls, Ralph Lauren & JC Penney, Todd Oldham & Old Navy this are examples of strategic alliances between great and recognized fashion designers and big retailers. This process of benchmarking made Payless cognize that they also needed to make alliances with some big designers and brands. This is w here Isaac Mizrahi decided to take the engulf with them, and design a whole collection of couture shoes.MAIN PROBLEMThe main caper this company, Payless Shoesource, was facing was that in 2005 Payless was losing market share and began to c put up some stores. The retail embellish had changed and giant discount shops like Walmart, Target and Kohls had become the vendors of choice for budget conscious shoppers buying shoes. With parsimoniousness as its positioning point, the company had incapacitated its edge they were producing the equivalent shoes year after year hoping that price impart bring customers to their doors. As we see the caper here was that Payless wasnt innovating, they were pretending that the same elans would attract the same people to its stores beca intention of the affordable price.STRATEGYWhen they noticed they set about this enigma Payless had to engineer a recent dodge, it began with the unseasoned chief operating officer Matt Rubel, he was engage because of its extensive experience with steep-end brands, he k rising that the company would have to design shoes that exclusive people would wear with prices that they could afford. Their advanced prank was in charge of ever-changing its compute from the stale cheap footwear into the fun, hip merchant of fashion. Rubels objective of their new strategy was not only deliver the brand simulacrum makeover but also position the company in much(prenominal) a way that the price increase would seem like a bargain.Been more(prenominal) specialised Rubels strategy plan was ground on four major components.1) Expanding the Brand Portfolio this stage consisted in implementing what he calls House of Brands strategy instead of one increase line create a well-known(a) national brands. In damage to organize the new corporate structure and keep track of all its brands, he created a collective Brand.2) The Payless Design Team they want to develop harvests that would enter to the custom ers minds, that would run across better with consumers, they were devising emphasis on fashion, they Payless Design Team dedicated itself to develop original footwear and accessory designs to keep new styles on target with changing fashion trends.3) Designer Collections Payless created a grueling relationship with some designers for the past, they have tough these three top New York found designers, so their homework was creating strong bonds with these designers, this benefits of this alliances are plentiful, because Payless gets brand cach, making consumers get caterpillar tread styles they can afford. 4) Fun Inspiring Store Formats Payless redesigned its logo to reflect the new image and communicate change to consumers, they make some store formats, creating a new atmosphere, making a forceful improvement, stores more open, stir up and airy with a more acceptable consumer experience built around style and design alternatively than price.This new strategy implemented by the CEO Rubel go out energize the old customers who they lost and also attract new ones. This trendy new image is perfect for existing customers. Payless has truck a formula for value that customers love. It system confident that this strategy to democratize fashion will produce great results, irrespective of future economicconditions.Furthermore of the writ of execution of the new strategy created by the CEO Rubel, Payless since its inception began with low prices or affordable prices, making a competitive emolument for the company, providing bully profits. In 2008 when the global fadeout take oned Payless took a hit, while other retailers were unworthy because of its huge outletes, Payless stores fared much better. Whereas the other retailers had loss many money in 2008, Payless gain a net profit of 88 million in 2009.To conclude, as well as the company manage two strategies to stay in the market and be competitive it would be great that for streng therefore its strateg y they can work in one of its four Ps of the marketing immix, promotion, to attract more consumers, making more publicity of its brand and new designers that are part of the company, probably and we jolly sure they will bring more customers. If people know that those famous designers works for Payless, people are going to be more enthusiastic for buying level-headed note, good design for an affordable price.1- Which of the contrasting crop mix set strategies discussed in the text applies best to Paylesss new strategy? From my point of view they are victimisation a mix of several(predicate) strategies. Firstly, skimming pricing. This is about selling a product at a high price, sacrificing high sales to gain a high profit, therefore skimming the market. They have invested a lot of money to convey top notch designers, rebranding effort like remodeling stores etc.There needs to be some mechanism (read, strategy) to recover this cost. For some items they have even employed ins urance premium pricing. Interestingly, Payless came up with some genuinely good product like Lela Rose, Abaete etc. On the other hand, they have products which are low as $12. As best strategy that they are employing I would set up that they are going for harvest-feast Line Pricing. They want their customers to get attracted by the big brands in their portfolio. In that way, other products will gain due importance too. So to customers, general portfolio will look very attractive.The strategy for setting a products price often has to be changed when the product is part of a product mix. Companies unremarkably develop product lines rather than adept product. Product mix means in the same companies have many example product with they are brands it sold. Product mix pricing strategies consist of five elements which is product line pricing, product bundle pricing, byproduct pricing, captive product pricing and optional-product pricing. In this case, the product mix pricing strateg y Payless use is product line pricing. Product line pricing is setting the price steps between various products in the product line based on cost differences between the products, customer evaluations of assorted features and competitors prices.Payless has strategy product line, from one comprised al intimately entirely of store brands to one dominated by well-known national brands. Payless now sells shoes downstairs numerous brand names that it all owns or licenses, including Airwalk, Champion, Spalding, Dexter, Shaquille ONeal-endorsed Dunkman, and various Disney brands. customer can buy many types of products with distinct prices by facial expression at size, width, tinge and design. For example, for boys shoes, they have many shapes, size, color, design, and numerous brands which they can get with difference price from $ 12.99 until $26.99. For girls, there are shoes in differences brand like Fioni, Amerian, Eagle, Dexter, Lela Rose, and Smartfit from $14.99 until $24.99. Most products Payless offers are under $50.Other than that, Payless has relationship with top New-York based designers Laura Poretzky, Lela Rose, Stacey Bendet and Patricia Field. The four are designing everything from pumps to boots to handbags for Payless. Payless sets most of the stores product line below $15. The companys CEO, Matt Rubel also has suggested that in many cases, price increases whitethorn be as little as 50 cent per pair of shoes. But the expanding upon of its brand portfolio to include famous labels will certainly give payless greater pricing flexibility.2- How do concepts such as mental pricing and reference pricing deem to the Payless strategy? In what ways does Paylesss strategy disport from these concepts? By definition, mental pricing on the theory that certain prices has a psychological impact. The retail prices are often expressed as odd prices a little less than a round number, e.g. $19.99 or 2.98.There is no explicit reference given in the case whe re we see that they are using this strategy. As a matter of fact, we see that though Payless is increasing the price of their products. So, emergent upward movement of price may come as a black eye to customers. This strategy of psychological pricing can be employed in this scenario. Payless actually did not pay a direction to that and did not come up with any proper plan towards psychological pricing.In what ways does Paylesss strategy deviate from these concepts? By definition, psychological pricing is a pricing approach that trades the psychology of prices and not simply the economics. The price is used to say something about the product. Psychological pricing occurs when sellers consider the psychology of prices and not simply the economics. In the other hand, reference pricing is prices that buyers adjudge in their minds and refer to when they look at a given product.Consumers usually descry higher-priced products as having higher quality. But what happen in Payless is, t hey did not increase the price of their product to gain higher quality product perception, but changed the image from dusty dungeon of cheap footwear into the fun, hip, merchant of fashion.In addition, Payless even re-designed their logo for the first time in 20 years. They then launched new Fashion Lab and sweltry geographical zone store format. It was a drastic improvement. As the result, Payless store now have more open, light, and airy thus creating a more comforting consumer experience. Payless is now looking at forward into style and design rather than price. This is where Paylesss strategy deviate from psychological pricing concept. Payless focuses more towards style and design of their product rather than price.They even come along their store environment into more flourishing places which then create customer satisfaction. With the new store environment, it makes the $12 shoe looks like a $20 shoe. However, Paylesss manipulating the reference pricing by implementing a drastic improvement in their store. They launched a new Fashion Lab and Hot Zone store format to create more open, light, and airy with a more satisfying consumer experience built around style and design rather than price.The new format not only attracts more customers, but they even make the customer volition to pay a little bite more than they have in the past. whole new Payless stores now have one of the two new formats and old stores are being progressively remodeled.3- Discuss the benefits and insecuritys of the new strategy for both Payless and the designers with whom its partners. Which of these two stands to lose the most?Benefits of the new strategy would be for both, for the designers and for the company, those designers when working for Payless are going to be more recognized for most of the people, they are going to become more famous, they are going to outstand from the others, also people who really knows this designers would buy more frequently shoes on this stor e making this company richer.Now talking of the risks of the new strategy would be that for the designers maybe they are not well-paid for their work and also they lose spatial relation for working to a shoe retailer. any(prenominal) people might not like these designers anymore because they are working on that company, so they lose credibility. A risk for the company would probably that maybe making these relationships with those designers they have more costs so it would not be sustainable for the company. We weigh that designers would go to lose more, because as we mentioned earlier they would lose credibility and consequently they are going to lose loyal customers.4- analyze the scale on which Payless operates. How much of a price increase does Payless need to procure to make this venture worthwhile?Payless was looking to move its average price point up a notch or two, due to the expansion of its brand portfolio to include famous labels that will certainly give Payless gre ater pricing flexibility. What they can do its a price appointment strategy, looking for some variables they can collapse to that specific company. For example they can use segmented pricing, they can segment their market.Psychological pricing, buyers have a reference of its price in their minds, also they can use geographical pricing they can design different types of shoes for a different country depends on the fashion and the survive and also international pricing, analyzing some specific factors of the country, like laws and regulations, economic conditions. Looking all this price adjustments strategies they can achieve a good price depending on the place and making this venture worthwhile for the company and for the customers.