Saturday, February 9, 2019
Beowulf: The Ultimate Hero Essay -- Epic of Beowulf Essays
A submarine sandwich is one who places himself or herself at put on the line for another byperforming great deeds of courage. In the epos poem Beowulf, the character of Beowulf isclearly a hero. Not only is Beowulf a hero because of his physical strength, but he also gives the gloryto God. Beowulf is the ultimate hero who put his liveness on the line for an entirekingdom. Beowulfs chivalry can be seen when he takes 14 of the bravest in hisland to go help Hrothgar. Hrothgar was Beowulfs fathers close friend who hadbeen plagued by attacks for twelve years that exist an entire kingdom.Beowulf did not have to offer Hrothgars kingdom help, but does so because hewants to uses his God given strength to the best of his ability. As soon asBeowulf heard of the troubles in this land he set opinion poll immediately. Beowulfcontinue s to show his thankfulness by thanking God for giving them safe liveacross the sea. Beowulf is lead to Hrothgar and offers him is services.-Now sit down to the feast, and, in due time, beware to lays of warriorsvictories, as your heart may prompt you. (15)Beowulf is asked by the warriors to tell of his ago defeats while eating inHrothgars palace. Beowulf is already a hero to the race of this land for heis about to rid them of their enemy. The warriors are anxious to hither what hehas done and what he plans to do to Grendel. Here Beowulf puts on his political campaignshoes and runs through his battle plan mentally just as any great athlete woulddo before a well-favored meet. As the Banquet continues, Hrothgar thanks Beowulf, andpromises him gre... ... Beowulf can be called the ultimate hero because he put his life on theline for an entire kingdom. redden though Beowulf had hoped that his people wouldbenefit from all of the treasures he had stored up, we are taugh t, the real(a)things that one earns during ones life can not stop what is Gods will. Foreverything in life must come to an end and that time is always uncertain, evenfor a hero. Works Cited Beowulf and Other Old English Poems. Trans. Constance B. Hieatt. New York Odyssey Press, 1967.
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