Monday, February 18, 2019

The Name Of War, Jill Lepore Essay -- essays research papers

script ReviewThe Name of state of war top executive Philips War and the Origins of American identityOur history books continue to present our countrys story in conventional superpatriotic terms. America being settled by courageous, white colonists who tamed a wilderness and the savages in it. With very few exceptions our society depicts these people who truly first discovered America and without whose help the colonists would not have survived, as immoral, despicable savages who needed to be removed by killing and transit out of the country into slavery. In her book, The Name of War King Philips War and the Origins of American Identity, Jill Lepore tells us there was another side to the story of King Philips War. She goes beyond the actual effects of the war to discuss how language, literacy, and allow have had lasting effects on the legacy that followed it.In 1675, tensions betwixt Native Americans and colonists residing in New England erupted into the brutal conflict that has come to be known as King Philips War, the bloodiest battle in America history, in proportion to population it was also the deadliest war in American history. The side of meat colonists wished to rid the country of the Indians in order to seize their land. They believed the Indians were savages and therefore were not worthy of equal rights.The English took their land and disrupted their traditional systems of quite a little and agriculture. As a result, the power of native religious leaders was corrupted. The Indians we...

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